

Since 2003 I’ve been studying methodologies, and the “right” way to do things. Quality, processes, planning, managing, organizing, both academically and practically – the whole shabang.

With all of these tools – a text editor is still my best friend. Who knew? ๐Ÿ™‚

I came to appreciate feedback loops as a key productivity factor. Nothing beats a tight feedback on the way for a goal. Assumptions, mistakes and ways of thinking – getting smashed against reality in a rapid pace – can get you very far. And it’s fun to get there.

I’m an Israeli software developer, and a green geek. This blog is dedicated to productivity, Internet, software, environmental issues (in Hebrew), and hacking everything in between.

* I do not play the guitar, but it’s a great thing to feedback-loop with :).

My PGP key: http://keybase.io/eburcat

One thought on “About

  1. Eitan, I am a great great grandson of Nachman Amerling, and would love to compare family trees. Please contact me.

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